Helper Helper

The Right Way to use Your Volunteer Service Transcript

Whether you are applying for a job, college, or need proof you completed a graduation requirement, you may find yourself in need of paperwork validating your past community service hours. Luckily, there is already a solution available! Requesting a record of community service hours is not uncommon. Organizations and companies know to provide confirmation of a volunteer’s work. Typically, this is done through paperwork, badges, or other forms of recognition. The problem becomes how to organize all your confirmations if you are a regular volunteer for multiple organizations.

One clear way to organize all your volunteer service records is a transcript. Transcripts list all your past volunteer service activities as a way to validate the hours of volunteer work you completed. Moreover, seeing everything laid out allows your engagement to speak for your interests, your community involvement, and your work ethic.

The Ultimate Tie-Breaker

Community service can be a crucial factor in moving your career forward. For example, most schools require completion of a set number of hours for students to graduate. Outside of graduation requirements, the application process values community service as well. In fact, Forbes wrote about a survey of college admissions personnel, where 58% agreed.

A student’s community service experience has a positive impact on his or her acceptance to our higher education institution.”

Generally, community service can show the desirable traits candidates posses. Volunteer activities showcase attributes such as empathy, leadership, teamwork, management skills, and a proactive attitude. Self-starters are favorable as candidates for being viewed as people who will commit and become active members to a network.

This idea is backed-up by another finding in the survey, which gave admissions leaders the following to contemplate: “Assuming all factors are equal (such as GPA, SAT/ACT scores, and rigor of curriculum), then community service details are an important decision-making factor.” An outstanding 53% of admissions leaders agreed with community service being a tie-breaker between similar candidates.

Next-Level Transcripts

Helper Helper took transcripts one step further, and created an easy to read summary of your volunteer experiences. The certified transcripts have a breakdown for top categories. Examples of categories include Education, Civic and Community, and Animal. You are able to show your commitment to your interests, alongside providing proof you have experience in the field of your interest.

Our transcripts also show the organizations you dedicate the most time to. Your top organizations solidify your experience. This can also indicate what networks you are connected with. Considering these aspects can help you stand out. For a better visual, your top categories and top organizations are accompanied by a pie chart.

Each transcript is tamper-free. Transcripts come with a link and QR code to ensure the transcript is accurate.

Use your Transcripts the Right Way

Get ahead of the game and begin building your service portfolio for your volunteer service transcript. Later on, you can use your transcript to:

  • Confirm completion of a graduation requirement
  • Impress college admissions personnel
  • Shock your future employers
  • Persuade your boss to give you a promotion

There are many ways you can use a certified volunteer service transcript to your advantage. Helper Helper can make the process easier. Our app will organize your volunteer service, and supply you with an official transcript to represent your volunteer work. You can send the transcript as a link, or download the PDF file to print and attach to your college application or job resume. Showcase your awesome volunteer work to the world.

kristaThe Right Way to use Your Volunteer Service Transcript

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